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TeksMed Services
  Emotional resilience is emerging as one of the most important strategies for mitigating mental health claims. In a recent study, depressed patients who practiced a 3-month program including gratitude showed a significant reduction in their depressive symptoms. In this engaging think tank conversation, Dave Phillips, TeksMed's Chief Mental Health Officer will talk about how gratitude can help you and your employees build greater emotional resilience.

In this presentation, you will learn:
  • The science of gratitude
  • The impact of the practice of gratitude on the brain
  • The importance of emotional resilience
  • Clear ways to practice gratitude in their life

Who should attend:
  • The target audience is primarily those in leadership and management positions in the workplace, however the practice of gratitude is a concept that nearly anyone can adapt and appreciate.

Meet your speaker

Dave Phillips

Dave Phillips is passionate about helping individuals and organizations experience greater levels of health. Given his professional and life experience, he is uniquely qualified to come alongside companies and organizations who recognize the importance of psychological safety and to lead in an emotionally intelligent way. Dave loves to teach, consult and coach managers in leading employees to maximize their potential. He is grounded in current research and am committed to promoting an evidence-based, best practices approach in whatever arena he's working. As well, since 1992 when Dave first began to see clients with significant childhood and adult trauma, he has been actively connected to the world of PTSD treatment. Today, his field is beginning to recognize traumatic psychological injury as underlying most of the common mental health conditions that show up, both in the workplace and in our personal lives. In the light of this a strong passion of his is to help companies (in the development of robust programs and policy), and to equip managers (to effectively manage their employees with mental health problems), from this trauma-informed place. The Canadian workplace is not required to pamper employees or to become "quasi" mental health centers... but can we develop happier and healthier workplaces that allow our employees to thrive? This is the question that progressive companies are asking.Dave holds 2 graduate degrees in counseling psychology and have over 30 years experience in the mental health field including working with hundreds of companies in multiple industries. His expertise and certifications include:Psychological health and safetyTrauma and PTSDManagement coachingMental Health First AidMental health HR/LRRespect in the WorkplaceSubstance Abuse in the workplaceOn a personal level, David is married to Adele and has two grown sons; he loves to golf and is an avid consumer and critic of modern film.  

Course Curriculum

    1. Webinar Recording

    2. PowerPoint

    1. Course Survey

About this course

  • 3 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content