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Knowing how to measure and communicate the value of your work, make good business cases to get the funding you need, and partner up with non-HR leaders are crucial skills for establishing the economic and strategic value of your work to the organization, engaging and educating executives, effective program design and delivery, tracking progress to plan, validating your ideas, and driving continuous improvement.

This suite of three webinars will focus on three major HR metrics practices:

1. Making the case for HR: selling your ideas, projects, and programs

2. Generating concrete goals and metrics for performance, skills, and values

3. Metrics for leadership development

The three webinars will help you better assess and communicate the value of HR and OD activity, and build stronger, more engaged working relationships with non-HR leaders. The webinars will be practical in nature and rich in resources, including databases of ideas, tools, techniques, and references to available research.

Making the Case for HR: Webinar 1

Knowing how to make a good business case is crucial for obtaining funding, effective program design and delivery (delivering what you promised), enhancing buy-in and commitment across your organization for your HR/OD programs, and establishing the economic and strategic value of your work to the organization. This module will focus on how to make a business case for your key projects and enhance the engagement of business leaders in your HR and talent management efforts.

You Will Learn:

  • Solution selling: engage leaders to enhance buy-in and the quality and relevance of you initiatives.
  • Building your toolkit of approaches and tactics, including how and where to start, and maintenance.
  • Research and stats you can use to bolster your case and educate business leaders.

Metrics Tools for Measuring Performance, Skills, and Values: Webinar 2

Goals and metrics make vision and strategy concrete, they focus employee efforts, and enable leaders to monitor progress and hold people accountable for results. The complexity of business today, moreover, requires that we track progress to plan on a broad and balanced range of business drivers, including shareholder and employee satisfaction, performance improvement, skill development, talent management, adherence to core values, and so on. At the end of the day, what gets measured gets done, and all organizations want to hold their employees accountable for results.

This action planning module will provide participants with a few practical techniques and tools they can use for setting crisp, clear, meaningful goals, and identifying concrete metrics for both quantitative and the tough qualitative ("soft") issues such as skill development, attitude problems, behavioral changes, and adherence to core values.

You Will Learn:

  • To set goals in the "so that" format in order to enhance clarity of purpose, focus, and alignment.
  • Five great probing questions for generating concrete metrics for performance, skills and core value.
  • To explore various techniques for maintaining communication and credibility with non-HR managers.

Metrics for Leadership Development: Webinar 3

Everyone knows that a team with poor leadership will tend to under-perform over time. In fact, research has shown that the quality of leadership has a positive impact on employee productivity, profitability, growth, customer service, and market capitalization. HR has generally done a poor job of: 

(i) educating leaders about how valuable leadership development (LD) can be,

(ii) measuring the results of LD efforts, and

(iii) driving continuous and measurable improvements in LD.

This module will supply participants with practical frameworks, tools, and techniques for measuring LD and delivering on LD objectives.

You Will Learn:

  • How to review the five levels of measurement for LD and T&D programs.
  • How to distinguish primary and secondary metrics; and benefit from both.
  • How to design for success: aligning program design with goals and metrics.
  • Resources for conducting LD and talent management audits.
  • To support LD with OD: moving from good workshops to a culture of leadership. 

Who Should Attend:

Mid-level Practitioners and above. This webinar will be most valuable for HR managers who are responsible for designing, planning, and implementing HR solutions that impact their organization's employees, leaders, and results.

Meet your instructor

Joel Shapiro

Joel Shapiro, Ph.D., President of Advanture Consulting, helped save his third generation family business in a “do or die” competitive battle against a giant multi-national firm. Joel now helps organizations around the world make strategy stick, build leaders at all levels, and manage culture and change. He has educated leaders from hundreds of organizations in his open enrolment programs, and has designed and facilitated dozens of customized leadership and organizational development programs for many tier-one firms, including Accenture, Apache, Atco, BC HRMA, BC Hydro, CGA of BC, Direct Energy, Fortis BC, ICBC, LaFarge, Nestle, Providence Health Care, Telus, and WestJet.  Joel is a former member of the Canadian National Freestyle Ski Team; earned a Ph.D. with Distinction in Philosophy; served as an Adjunct Assistant Professor in the leading edge Master of Workplace Learning Program at the University of Calgary; and has done pro-bono work for a variety of non-profits (ethnic, gender, and environmental).

Course Curriculum

    1. Making the Case for HR

    2. Making the Case for HR: PowerPoint Slides

    3. Worksheet - Making the Case

    1. Metrics Tools for Measuring Performance, Skills, and Values

    2. Generating Concrete Metrics for Performance, Skills & Values: PowerPoint Slides

    3. Metrics Worksheet - Results and Behaviors

    1. Metrics for Leadership Development

    2. Metrics for Leadership Development - PowerPoint Slides

    3. LD Strategy & Objectives Worksheet

    1. Course Survey

About this course

  • 10 lessons
  • 4 hours of video content